The Glen Group

wedding Fees

We hope that your Church wedding will be a joyful and a memorable occasion - but it need not cost a fortune!

Wedding fees fall into two categories - those that are set nationally by the Church of England, and those that are set locally - usually to book third party services such as an Organist or Verger.

Compulsory costs (`Nationally Set Fees')

The basic legal fee for a Church of England wedding is set nationally and is annually reviewed. It includes the cost of the Vicar, the church, calling your banns, a banns certificate, the marriage certificate, lighting and all administration.

If you marry outside your own parish, the fee for 2016 is £486.

Optional extras (`Local Fees & Disbursements')

These are additional costs set annually by the Parochial Church Councils of the individual Glen Group parishes. Many are optional, depending on your preferences and budget. They include:

  • Verger, to ensure that the church is warm, clean and tidy for your wedding and to assist with disability access arrangements etc.
  • Church heating - usually from late Autumn to early Spring.
  • Organist, choir or bell-ringers.
  • Video License - if your wedding is filmed, the organist and other musicians can request an increase in their fee to take into account professional performing rights.

Scale of Local Fees

The current local fee scale can be found by following these links:

Pinchbeck St Mary 

St Mary

 West Pinchbeck St Bartholomew

West Pinchbeck
St Bartholomew

 Surfleet St Laurence

St Laurence

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