The Glen Group

BAPTIsm for Older Children

If you are at least eleven years old and would like to be Baptised, this section is for you.

In the eyes of the Church you are old enough to make your own promises to God during Baptism. We want to support you in this next important step by making sure you have enough information about the Christian faith, and the chance to discuss what it means for you.

We do this by inviting you to Confirmation Classes for young adults. These take place over a ten week period and usually happen on a Saturday morning or early afternoon. Because you are still legally a minor, you will need to attend with an adult - ideally, a parent or guardian, or somebody they know well, and trust. 

As the course draws to a close we hope that you will feel ready to make an informed decision about whether Baptism is right for you. If the answer is `yes', we will make arrangements for you to be Baptized and Confirmed by a Bishop, in a local church and among others who are taking the same big step in faith.

Confirmation services are huge celebrations, and we hope that your friends and family will want to support you on the day. You will also need to discuss with your parents who  might be your Godparents - people upon whom you can rely for sound advice and common sense, as you begin to apply your faith in everyday life.

To find out more, please ask your parent or guardian to contact the Vicar, who will be pleased to meet with you together, to discuss the next steps.

Return to Baptism.